
Showing posts from 2011

Love is a Choice

YOU AND ME AGAINST THE WORLD When I was in my 20s, my son and I used to listen to and sing "You and Me Against the World" by Helen Reddy.  It was our way of bonding. When I was on Norfolk Island, AU, I met her. She lives there now, and we had a chance to talk many times at our favorite coffee shop. We talked about how when she wrote, "I Am woman," she had no idea that it would become such a big hit and be the anthem for the women's lib movement. She was just writing from her life experiences as a woman in a bad relationship. She knew she deserved better, and writing the song was her impetus to change that situation. Shortly after that, she wrote, "You and Me Against the World," for her daughter because being on her own in those days with a child was pretty difficult. Again, she was writing from her life experience. I was divorced and felt much of what she was feeling about raising a child alone, and sometimes it felt like "you and me against

Challenges on the
Path of the Heart

by Sandy Penny, WritingMuse The challenges include: Bringing the ego into the path of love in ways that honor it and do not judge the ego as bad or something to be anihilated or stripped of power. Loving the ego into cooperation with your divinity is one of the goals. The ego is valuable and get a bad rap. Loving family and friends for who they are and not what you want them to be, striving toward unconditional love. Unconditional love is almost impossible while in a body because there are limitations and expectations rampant in this world. Releasing judgment of those who act in unloving ways. Striving to love them as the divine spirit that is challenged by this human experience, as each of us is.  Loving the difficulties in life and knowing that we are being challenged to new levels of love, acceptance, allowing and transcendence. We can create new paradigms that are more joyful, more loving, more compassionate, and filled with beauty. We can learn through joy. This is an

Amazing shifts and changes

In the spirit of love, this video of men apologizing to women is so powerful that it's hard to watch without crying. Very clean and clear energy.  Dear Woman:

I Belong 2 Love

LOVE ... I Belong 2 Love ... You Belong 2 Love ... "Love is mysterious and beautiful. It makes us happy, gives us hope, allows us to know that the impossible can happen. And yet, it's inexplicable." - Daphne Rose Kingma "Love is all there is, all is love, all is well." -- Sandy Penny This is the first post on my new blog that companions with my I Belong 2 Love website at . On the top right of this blog is a subscribe button for several of my related blogs. If you'd like to receive my updates, please subscribe to each site you are interested in. The addresses are maintained on separate lists, so you only get what you sign up for. --------------------------- Welcome to "I Belong 2 Love" A note from Sandy Penny: Being lighthearted and fun does not preclude being deeply connected to Spirit and bringing through amazing insights and ah ha moments. In fact, it's a must. Seriously - no not se