I Belong 2 Love

LOVE ... I Belong 2 Love ... You Belong 2 Love ...

"Love is mysterious and beautiful. It makes us happy, gives us hope, allows us to know that the impossible can happen. And yet, it's inexplicable." - Daphne Rose Kingma

"Love is all there is, all is love, all is well." -- Sandy Penny

This is the first post on my new blog that companions with my I Belong 2 Love website at http://sandypenny.synthasite.com/.

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Welcome to "I Belong 2 Love"

A note from Sandy Penny:

Being lighthearted and fun does not preclude being deeply connected to Spirit and bringing through amazing insights and ah ha moments. In fact, it's a must. Seriously - no not seriously, JOYFULLY. Get with the program. :-)

Insight: Joy is the test for spiritual success. How much Joy can You Take?

If you're not having fun, it's time to embrace your inner child and ask for help to create your happiness.

Insight: Love yourself first, and it will be easy to love others. Forgive yourself first, and forgiveness will spring naturally from your compassion for others.

There is only room for discernment in our lives. Judgment and suffering are part of the old Piscean Age Paradigm. Learning through Joy is the new paradigm. Move on and vibrationally upward. Embrace the concept that you can be surrounded by loving, supportive people and create amazing community everywhere you go.

The beginning of Consciously Following
the Path of The Heart ...

Many Paths to Choose

Insight: Your life is your spiritual path, and you can never go astray.

You chose certain tools, gifts, talents, attractions, obstacles, and challenges before you came to earth so you could accomplish what your soul agreed to do, your mission. You can always use this invocation to remind you of your power: "I only want what I agreed to for my mission."

First you chose how your life would begin. What your birth would be like. What kind of parents & family would best suit your mission. You have had many lifetimes of learning and expressing, each one different, each one containing some of the elements of the others.

That is called Karma

Karma is the set of elements in your life that will repeatedly present challenges and rewards that help you accomplish your mission.

You don't have to know what your mission is to be accomplishing it. You don't have to know what your karma is to resolve it. If you take right action from your heart center of love, you will resolve karma.

If you are consciously working on your spiritual path, you will stop judging your life and your choices and embrace them as steps toward the fulfillment of your mission. When you no longer judge yourself, what you thought was lacking will become a strength.

You will also stop judging others because you will know they too are working on their mission. At a certain point, you can become conscious of your karma and just let it go - a process I know as karma sloughing. Like a snake shedding its skin, it just starts to fall away.

Now is the time of karma sloughing (pronounced sluffing). It's time to choose to contribute your highest and best to creating the New Age, the new world and your new life. Karma is a program that can now be uninstalled. The new paradigm of being supported for who you are and what you love to do is already activated and ready to claim.

What are you focusing on?

What are you choosing by putting energy into it?
What are you being in this world?
Are you making conscious choices or just following the group consciousness?
Are you getting what you want?
Is what you think getting in the way of what you want to manifest? 
Your conscious spiritual path usually begins

From your Higher Self to YOU ...

For more Sandy Penny Insights, go to http://sandypenny.com/ or http://sandypenny.synthasite.com/. You can email Sandy on the contact page of either of these sites.

For Happiness Hits and Motivational Music: go to http://sandypennyjust4fun.blogspot.com/


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