Love is a Choice


When I was in my 20s, my son and I used to listen to and sing "You and Me Against the World" by Helen Reddy.  It was our way of bonding. When I was on Norfolk Island, AU, I met her. She lives there now, and we had a chance to talk many times at our favorite coffee shop. We talked about how when she wrote, "I Am woman," she had no idea that it would become such a big hit and be the anthem for the women's lib movement. She was just writing from her life experiences as a woman in a bad relationship. She knew she deserved better, and writing the song was her impetus to change that situation.

Shortly after that, she wrote, "You and Me Against the World," for her daughter because being on her own in those days with a child was pretty difficult. Again, she was writing from her life experience. I was divorced and felt much of what she was feeling about raising a child alone, and sometimes it felt like "you and me against the world," with my son and the challenges of that time.

However, as I grew spiritually, something in me shifted. While I was speaking with Helen Reddy one morning over coffee, Spirit said, you need to tell her something. I internally asked, "OK, what is it?" "Tell her that the world has changed, and it's no longer you and me against the world, it's 'We are the World.'"

Wow, to have to tell that to one of my singing idols was a challenge, but I took a deep breath and did it because it was such a powerful message. She thanked me, and we left it at that.

Helen has been an activist in many ways for her whole life, and she has the power to inspire others and bring them together in a common bond. To use it for the highest and best good, she had to shift from an adversarial stance with the world and move into a cooperative new vision.

How we see the world makes a difference in the world. If we knew how powerful we are, we'd never focus on another negative vision. What are you focusing on - love or fear?  It's always one or the other, and you get to choose. in every moment. My brother received a life review when he was about to get a heart transplant, and he was shown every choice point when he could have chosen to act lovingly or to hurt someone. And he was told - you always have a choice point. It's up to you what you're doing in this world.

Just remember: "We are the World"


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