
Showing posts from March, 2011

I Belong 2 Love

LOVE ... I Belong 2 Love ... You Belong 2 Love ... "Love is mysterious and beautiful. It makes us happy, gives us hope, allows us to know that the impossible can happen. And yet, it's inexplicable." - Daphne Rose Kingma "Love is all there is, all is love, all is well." -- Sandy Penny This is the first post on my new blog that companions with my I Belong 2 Love website at . On the top right of this blog is a subscribe button for several of my related blogs. If you'd like to receive my updates, please subscribe to each site you are interested in. The addresses are maintained on separate lists, so you only get what you sign up for. --------------------------- Welcome to "I Belong 2 Love" A note from Sandy Penny: Being lighthearted and fun does not preclude being deeply connected to Spirit and bringing through amazing insights and ah ha moments. In fact, it's a must. Seriously - no not se